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Stoughton July 6th 1933

Dear Doris

It has cleared the sun shines after three days of cold storm it seems very hot out side but there is good air. I am keeping the house shut up from the hot air out side. Jack Wayland has just called me up to find out how I am & to know what I am taking his is in his back & it does not let up night or day. but he says he suffers & wants to know how long the d_d thing lasts. I guess he misses Ediths care & sympathy more than ever like poor Lonnie Thompson. 
men folks cant bear pain as we can. no one can when its on the nerve. I have had a good sleep since dinner & have been out to open up the little museum building Mrs Gilger was over last night again to see me. she is the only one I have & she seems a good neighbor. She says that they are undecided over that old place whether to buy it or not, he likes it but she doesnt. & he wont look at any other its that or nothing. he is German to the back bone I cant say I like him he seems selfish. she is not in the least. but has to give in to him in every thing. she was never sorry she went home out west last fall for her uncle died soon after. he was like Pa only worse. he brought her up & seemed like a father to her & her sister.