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Stoughton July 2nd 1933

Dear Doris,
After a very hot day the weather changed as the wind blew from the North West & during the greater part of today. after supper last night I washed wet combed up my hair into a pigtail for comfort. & some one was tugging at my front screen door, which I kept hooked who should it be but Orving snarling. I said who sent you? he replied a letter from Doris. he came in & sat down beside one with his arm on my knee after asking me a few persistent questions he decided as I already had before him to be a good case of sciatic rheumatism, & said he had left one, an old woman on Pine Street just before coming to see me. I told him of the big jar of ointment you left me that I was rubbing on my leg & he left some tablet S.C. Ball these 1 every three hours to ease the pain. castor oil every few day to drive out the poison as soon as possible he told me I was'nt sick & he gave me a bottle of stuff to take after meals. I have washed out a line of dirty clothes as its nights that I am in pain & to work around sort of limbers me up days. so I manage with Pa to help a little to keep a going. to day just as we had got eased down ready for one daily snooze some lady came yelling up the front stairs. Helen Wales his mother was out in the car. she was 

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