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down stiffens me up my nap this afternoon made me feel much better its most time to prepare some supper for Pa he is getting uneasy I dont want to begin to take ice but going up & down the cellar stairs is pretty hard work & Pa is afraid to go for fear of falling

Alice has just called me up to tell me that Ralph Mystics youngest boy was drowned he leaves a wife & two small children Mystic seemed to go up about the right time Alice is afraid of Mystics hateful tongue if she shoots it off in blame to Poor Roy because Ralph left home he had his mothers disposition & Roy is good & put up with him beyond all account Roy is good to them all & the others realize it but his mother has always shown nothing but a hateful disposition towards him he is more like Wallace & the others look up to him & depend on him there is more air stirring & the wind may get around in the cooler quarter The little cat bird has built a nest in the cordelia tree over the kitchen door & comes down for crumbs I throw out for her from time to time I will do my supper dishes Ma

Transcription Notes:
Edited: its & for 'and' not + which means plus