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Stoughton June 28th 1933

Dear Doris
Another warm day. heavy fog nights. I keep the hot air out all its possible during the day time. I have been catching up sleep as the nights are long & sleepless. Pa comes in at intervals during the night to lay his hand on my face in sympathy. he went through this same torture five or six years ago. but he would not remember I dont suppose. I can not do much as its too fright to be on my feet too long at a time. it seems to be on the nerve my left side below the hip & streaks down the whole leg. some times it goes as quick as it come. but other times it stays. its any thing but desireable. to bear. my father suffered with his a year & a half. Lottie Crane had hers only a short time I have heard her say. I think its been about me a long time, more or less. but thats my good side that it afflicts now. I have not appetite. it seem to be an ailment theres not help for so one grins & bears it. I presume its good for one to go through & teaches us to think of our mercies perhaps. I don't want you to worry. for what has yet to be will be. I was sorry to hear about your job but it may be a blessing after all. you hate to lose it as you have held it so long a time. but there are many who are worse off that it