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Stoughton June 27th 1933

Dear Doris
We are in the midst of damp & muggy weather. but the sun remains out of sight most of the time. I hope we get some rain soon my garden is getting again in need of some the worst way. Pa stays upstairs still & seems quiet but there is not much going on to excite him. I got the Cararas to carry my book down to Percy as he works in the [[?]] & the book was due to go in the 30th of the month. I don't feel equal to walking much. I think it is rheumatism that is bothering one. It is the worst nights & pain is such that I get no sleep. So I have naps in the daytime as it is not then so intense. Pa is worried over having me ailing & does little things he can in his humble way that seem pitiful & at the same time droll. Roses now are at their height of beauty & ramblers just beginning to come forth. It must be pleasant to see them as you ride through the streets. Every one seems bent on pleasure & seeming who will out do the other in speed as they fly along. I wonder there are no more accidents than there are. Its a shame you are suffering such intense heat. I don't see

Transcription Notes:
Unsure of 2 words Edited