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year. pears are not plenty on our trees. but they bore well last year I think. Pa has just been down to see if I am here. he keeps watch for fear I will scoot any minute and leave him in the lurch. it makes me nervous to be watched all the time. if I can steal away without his knowing its like heaven. its now time to prepare for some supper. I made a spider cake and opened a jar of pear sauce which made a fine supper. we have a very early supper and its better for Pa as he can read his paper then go to bed. I go early also as there is no use in sitting here alone. I read but after my eyes get tired then its time to quit. the sun is coming out bright and hope it is pleasant tomorrow. Louie has just been and loaded up the remains of his paint pails and brushes since his days work in town I wonder if he gets the church to paint. George McGarvy said that Louis was blunt, but honest. where Percy was smooth talking, but would bear watching. he wants to sell his house in the woods near Halls. Ma. 

PS another thunder shower during the night and heavy rain following. stormy this morning again Ma. 

Transcription Notes:
Edited: its & for 'and' not + which means plus, receipe for Spider cake on line