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Stoughton June 22nd 1933

Dear Doris
Since our showers of last night it is very muggy. but as the day advances there is a little more air stirring. I had to go down town with the letter in the heat as the post man failed to see it stuck in the door. Mrs Ring is feeling better but is pretty bruised and lame. she lost an upper tooth & bit through her upper lip as she struck on her chin. & lost a good deal of. blood. I have taken a bath since I got home & washed out all my clothes. now I feel good. Pa is fussy to day he dont settle down to any thing. he was scart last night during the shower, but aside from a few near flashes it poured good and was soon over. we are having quite enough moisture for gardens & its good for berries that are coming along fast. they show signs of reopening & green ones are very plenty. soon the children will be after them in great numbers, as they will soon have vacation now. I think berries of all sorts are going to be plenty. strawberries have lasted a good long time & are about gone now. cherries are in the 

Transcription Notes:
Edited: its & for 'and' not + which means plus, changes and corrections,