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Stoughton June 16th 1933

Dear Doris

There is every indication of a coming storm it is growing damp & cloudy. the sound is in the east & it has just began to sprinkle. I have just come in from the garden where I have been sprinkling my fertilizer around my chrysanthemums. they are growing in good shape & are in a very sunny place away from the cold winds this winter. Pa has been uneasy for this is his day to be shaved. Harris come early for which I am thankful, for it relieves the tension. he has his dinner & after that he forgets & is more natural then he has his nap. he still stays up stairs most of the time & it is much better for him to be away & pleasanter all around. I keep out in the yard & lots of times i can slip down town & he don't know but what I am in the back yard. I got him some fudge the last time I went down he craves sweets he eats sugar out of the bowl on his bread instead of butter. Alice says her father used to eat a bowl full a day. I think their symptoms were much alike Pa of course has the nervous temperament

Transcription Notes:
Edited: its & for 'and' not + which means plus, changes and corrections,