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for our supper. Pa was drinking up the milk but I rescued it just in time to save it. he is fond of drinking milk when I want it to cook with a pint does not go far. to use one table thats [[that's]] about all. but I want it for toast always. Pa is stuffing the brown bread toast into him. he likes it & is good for him loosening. he is cold he says. well he goes to bed early. I like this weather and wish you had some of it down there. It is six O' clock & clouding over. the sky looks like showers. funny weather. roses are in bloom all except ramblers. my cosmos are growing they came up in less than a week. I am going to dig up my Peonies they need new soil to make them blossom. & a good deal of fertilizer. my chrysanthemums are growing well. my beans are not all up that you sent. the others are growing well, also the tomatoes are coming on. the rains have been a blessing to every thing. the babies letter told of the red aunts. I would be afraid of them for her to play with. she is certainly a funny little chick. well this will do for a letter not much in it though Ma 

PS am sending along your check it came today. Louies [[Louie's]] bill was less than the painting of the old place last year. he has taken pains to do a good job. the house looks very attractive. every one admires it. he did both sides of the blinds for I use them to close up hot days. I hope the house will never have to be done again in our day. the paint will stand for a good long while two coats. the trimmings show off beautifully & the green of the blinds set off the whole thing. Ma

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