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Stoughton June 8th 1933

Dear Doris,
The air is hot & muggy today, seems like a shower. I feel lazy. I have been down cellar painting a blind that we overlooked, there was one missing & I found it & have got it painted & after its dry will hang it. Louie will have to come & paint the bulk head & tar the prisy cover & give the top of the bay window another coat, before he finishes the job. I don't need any money as I have not used what you sent last or even touched it yet & have got forty dollars in my stand drawer up in the serving room. so don't for heavens sake send me any more. my bills were all small ones. Murphy told Mrs Ballentine that she better take advantage of the oil & fill up her tank, as it was going up in price. theres [[there's]] always something to worry about. but I will not worry I can take it out in heat as we did last winter. I am glad we still have the kitchen stove. the air is coming up & seems cooler. its an elegant day just the same. I am glad the mistery [[mystery]] of the coop share is at last explained. I should not worry about the grass around the old place being mowed but would send word to Ayres to pay