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up stairs all his time. for the last three nights I feel him crawling quietly into my bed. its always on the side away from the window. he always used to sleep on the other side. he is so waisted away he hardly makes a dent. he layes [[lays]] there a little while & then goes back into his own bed. I think he wakes up sort of scart [[scared]]. he is always thinking of something going to happen so comes to me for protection. he is very fond of canned corn. he eats enough for what little he does. but does not care for either fish or meat. so I rarely buy it. spinnage [[spinach]] & baked potato. & either indian or rice pudding & custard or rhubarb pie he eats. & three slices of graham bread & oatmeal & a cup of coffee for his breakfast I toast his bread. Well the Ballentines are in their surng hammoe. this is all for today. Mrs Ballentine told Louie the house looked beautiful. she says she will have him paint Ma hereafter instead of Percy his brother. they dont [[don't]] like him. too smooth talking she thinks. Louie is honest I told her & always means what he says.

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