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her nest over head in the tree if I go near she gives a warning. every time. but the robin is very quiet & tame. I think there is a song sparrows nest over in the pasture. early this morning while it was raining the hardest she was singing & seemed happy because of the rain. they are the sweetest of all our song birds & stay with us during the cold winter months sometimes I hear them sing in winter mornings. all the neighbors have a bird bath which helps I think to call them. I throw out lots of crumbs & never burn up what I feel would be food for some dumb beast. even the little dogs of McGarveys always expect something when ever they get sight of my coming near their yard. It has cleared off & seems very muggy not much sun & the gardens are all the better for keeping the moisture as long as its possible. well theres nothing more to write & I will end up this long drawn out letter. there is nothing of interest to write about I’ll have to go down soon to Alice's to carry my books I have read. Ma 

Transcription Notes:
Edited: its & for 'and' not + which means plus, changes and corrections,