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May 31st 1988
Stoughton, 27 Sept. 1932

Dear Doris
Our rain is here at last through the night & all day it has rained the ground is soaked & still its coming down. I have put off watering thinking it must come at last.  I have been waiting for it to plant my cosmos & my marygold seeds. now they are in the ground & being well soaked. I guess after it they want be long in coming up. I got your letter this morning.  Louis will soon be through & then I can find out how much it will cost. today he is working on the barn painting the blinds. they are a pretty shade of green. neither too light or dark. it matches the green on Sid's house as near as I could guess. people who have gardens are thankful for this rain, the first we have had except one thunder shower for eight weeks. This noon Pa ate a small piece of fish with his dinner & after he had a little nap. he woke up scart. to tell me he had a fish bone in his throat. he was not choaked up or anything. it appeared to me as if he had drempt it & thought it real. I gave him a chocolate drop & have not heard anything more about it since. I gave Gertrude a lot of violet roots. they were getting every where too plenty & she is crazy