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Stoughton May 28th 1933

Dear Doris

We had an east wind to cool us off & showers all around us, but during the night we got a few sprinkles of rain, but not enough to ammount to much. it is still a nice cool day. I am wearing my sweater in the house. I got a box of strawberries for supper yesterday. our second box this season. Pa pitched into them, but they did not agree with me. I slept about half the night after eating them. the natives have not come yet. I am going to open a jar of blue berries for supper to night, they are sure to be good for us both. have you used yours all up you had but a few & more to eat them. Louie took the day off it looked so much like rain I told him when he came in the morning. if it were anything but a dry time the signs would say rain. he had a job he wanted to do at home so I told him he better go do it. as I thought half a day would not make much difference one way or the other. its most decoration do you get a holiday out of it I don't see Ralph or Maude they have not turned up here for some time so guess they are mad over something

Transcription Notes:
Edited: its & for 'and' not + which means plus, changes and corrections,