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Stoughton May 26, 1933

Dear Doris

This is a warm sunny day hot in the sun. my plants are in a partial shade & I keep them well drenched since Louie turned on the water it seems good. I had been wetting them down last night so after I got through. I tried to shut off the water but it still runs a stream finally after a while I managed to shut it Louie said "why didn't you call me up." he said something must have got into it to prevent its shutting tight. it kinder nerved me up, for towards night I get tired & nervous. I am now drying my hair after a good shampoo. The little robin has five eggs Louie counted them again today. she built this last nest at the top of the conductor pipe, between the lead pipe & the house up under the eaves. the radio wire goes over & fastenes [[fastens]] into the building. its a good nice place for her to build no rain can get in & its [[it's]] safe from the old cats. Louie is away from painting there the second coat. she is scart [[scared]] of the ladders. her eggs would not chill this hot day. she went back on her nest this noon. she is there now so he wont [[won't]] need to disturb her again as that side he has finished he is aroun [[around]] the

Transcription Notes:
Almost complete besides the ?. not completed, lots still to be transcribed