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Stoughton May 25th 1933

Dear Doris

another good day I have been putting out any plants so they will get used to outdoor. before they are set in the ground tomorrow. I will clean my chamber where they were. I suppose the carpet will have to come up & so it will be more thorough. its a job that is hard. so many heavy things to move on and off. but I will take two days for the job and it wont be so hard. the Smith boy has just come to mow the grass befor [[before]] Decoration. The painters are putting on their second coat of paint. they will rush it on now in a hurry. Archy is painting this afternoon. the house will look fine. they have got the blinds most all done. they were painting them yesterday when they quit on account of the rain. your letter was late they brought it this afternoon about four. 

Mrs Ballentine has a new electric refrigerator but she says it is awful expensive to run it. she has her old one she wants to sell. I may buy it later on, if she dont ask too much for it & put mine down cellar. it looks bad. I have my things down cellar & hav not needed ice for what few victuals there is for us two - but when you come it will be handy to have it. so now I will get my supper I 

Transcription Notes:
Edited: its & for 'and' not + which means plus, changes and corrections,