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PS Pa has got three good shirts & a number of thin ones he will wear through the warm weather, enough is as good as a feast. he may not need them this summer. wait & see this fall. 

Stoughton May 24th 1933

Dear Doris.
It looks like May showers. I hope we get some as it still needs rain, the ground is dry under the scorching sun. The first coat of paint is almost on, Louis says a rain will do it no harm, it is so dry the paint strikes in very quickly. The color is as near like the Blake house as possible.- a bit lighter than the old original shade before. its thickening up & begun to rain. they may have to quit & call it off. I am glad its going to rain. I dont need any more dress goods or dresses. I have more than I can wear. I have not made up the last one you sent me. I dont need anything more. for I dont go to wear clothes. the Strettons factory are trying to sell out their stock at a great reduction. Mrs Bumrey came from there yesterday with things she had purchased, very cheap & of good quality so she & Alice decided. they are trying to let the second floor to some firm. Charles Jones could'nt make it go. there was no business to either he or Southworth & not much money either I guess - Marion Strettons husband took the money away when he left the business - & Mrs Stretton took hers out & then there was not enough left to carry on the business. as near as I figure it. Pa has just