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Stoughton May 22nd 1933

Dear Doris

This is a good sunny day. I have just taken in my clothes off the line where they are bone dry. I washed my two sweaters they were pretty dirty where I wore them all winter days to keep from freezing. but to tell the truth I did not suffer half as much as I would from over heated rooms & it is much better for ones health. as we neither of us had a sign of a cold. towards night when my fire in the kitchen got low, I would feel cold, so by taking my stone & going to bed I would get warm & the cool room was unnoticed. it was rather uncomfortable getting up to a cold house in the morning, but the kitchen was most always warm. To day Louie is painting the front of the house. now all there will be after that is the back. but there are five windows & one door to come out of the back side & the privy window. he will put on two coats of paint he thinks it needs it & he says its [[it's]] cheaper in the end  I dont [[don't]] now how much it will cost. he offered to figure on it. but I was away from Pa & he did not know where I had gone. Louie was 

Transcription Notes:
Edited: its & for 'and' not + which means plus, changes and corrections,