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Stoughton May 19th 1933

Dear Doris,

It is clouding up all the fournoon it has been very warm & sunny. I have planted my beans after soaking them through the night. Louise told me he did his that way. My fertilizer came so I am mixing it in around my plants that need it. Those little white scyllas you spoke of I have a lot of them but they are not all in bloom they are very pretty cluster blossom different from any other. our iris is just showing their buds. I dont see any thing of Sky Grant but if he dont want the job he wont have it I can get along now the carpenter has fixed up the steps. This noon the curtains & box of shells came. The curtains are very pretty & will look nice at the windows after the house is painted. The shells were lovely. Pa does not appreciate any thing. Or never will in this world I fear. There is no comfort in showing him any thing or talking any thing with him he has lost all interest in every body or any thing around him. just now he is quiet up stairs but he has had a hair cut & shave & they keyed him up for the forenoon. 

Transcription Notes:
* I've seen the flower written both Scylla & Scilla Edited: its & for 'and' not + which means plus, changes and corrections, One word to be filled in - a type of flower?