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Stoughton May 15th 1933

Dear Doris

It is a windy day but the sun is warm I have been washing windows inside & out. it seems good to see out once more even if it does scare one at first. funny that as soon as I had my outside windows taken off this cool west wind had to blow up so strong it sees as though a storm had been somewhere near & this wind had been the clearing up of that. but I guess that now the sun is getting in I will be warm enough here in the sitting room. I just noticed the change that's all.
Percy came up yesterday with a library book, ,but I was reading the one Mystic left, so I had that to finish first which I did before I went to bed. I gave him a big bouquet of flowers, spice bush & buttercup bush & he went off happy. I then dug dandelions as big mess for today & that was my recreation. The red bud makes a good showing since it blossomed. they are a pink flower like the peach. my flowering almonds are in their prime. they are scattered in the front & back of the house but the blossoms soon fade out. they are like little roses all kept down the stalk. I fear there are no envelopes I used up my last one yesterday. so you will laugh  

Transcription Notes:
Edited: its & for 'and' not + which means plus, changes and corrections,