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Stoughton May 13th 1933

Dear Doris,

We are having warmer spring weather. I am sitting out a few old geranium roots. I dont [[don't]] realize our May storm is past, we got only one day of rain. but the storm was heavy through the middle west & south. I guess we New England states are booked for another dry season. well I can have my water turned on & use the hose. they fixed the meter this winter. put in a new one & its [[it's]] easy to turn on they said. I can ask Louie to turn it on & see how he does it so I can do it. I want to learn how. you know that old saying we are never to old to know how to do a thing. I have just set out my little chrysanthemums that Sidney sent me. probably there will come a cold spell now. but they have got used to the outside air three days. so they are hardy & hope they survive. This is the first day it has seemed like summer to me. & you are melting I hope you dont get a twister out of it. they are liable to follow where theres rivers. well I wont worry ‘till theres cause & then it will be too late. I wish you were in the home state. this is a lovely day the air has sprung up since dinner & its just right for comfort. our oriole has not made his appearance yet no neither has the cat bird so they never are fooled by the weather. my