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Stoughton May 11th 1933

Dear Doris

We only had one cold rainy day but even so it has put every thing ahead the grass has grown & the leaves on the trees cast quite little shade. I have been out preparing the beds for my plants & I mean to call up Skyler Grant on the telephone to fix my bed for tomato plants as he did last year. & as he is a carpenter I mean to have him fix the steps by the kitchen entrance where it has rotted away before its painted. Your box has just come by express & I have put it down in the little building as you directed me to. it was pretty heavy. but I ended it down all right. My kitchen range warms my rooms these cool days so I dont have to resort to my oil heater. the Ballentines miss their coal range. they cook with gas. they have a fridgidaire they are lucky to be supplied with all such grand things. she is mighty grasping. glad I dont have to deal with her. but am glad the house is not any farther back to take away my sun. I have tried to call up Grant but his wife is too deaf to talk with my end of the phone so give it up in dispair. this is certainly a very sunny day & makes up for yesterday. I want to go down town but its as much as any ones life is worth to get away from Pa these times. he is afraid of what  

Transcription Notes:
Edited: its & for 'and' not + which means plus, changes and corrections,