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will happen poor soul. while I was out in the front yard spading up on my beds my neighbor Mrs. Gilger came over she told me they were thinking of buying a place. What I think is the old Russel place. there is a nice grove down in back. to bad to lose her she is on of the best women good & sensible. I always have though her. she hates to get off the hill but wants a place of their own rather far from the village but they have a car. the only drawback is its pretty far for the boy to go to school he is delicate since supper I will now finish the lettuce & carry it down to the bod. & go down & get my books. & then if it rains tomorrow there will be something to read as Friday is uncertain. Pa seems pretty quiet now, dont know how long it may last. well as theres nothing more to write I will close hope you are all comfortable & well through the May storm Ma. I got Sky Grant on the phone tonight. he is coming tomorrow afternoon.