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attracted my attention. he was mad I guess for it was raining guns but I cant always hear them ring the door bell when I am busy working. There wont be many flowers here for memorial I am afraid the way things look now but the rain may hurry things up. the lilacs are way behind time. its been so many cold storms. my windows now will stay on till after this cold storm. lucky it came as it did for he probably wont start on the painting now till its over. I have not been to see Ralph yet but will before the month is through. he looked so hateful the time I went after that key I dont care to face him again. I guess he has forgotten how many times Pa has stood by him in trouble. some do. there are a lot of funny people in this world & the longer one lives the more one learns to be on ones guard & prophet by ones experience. The robin is building her nest at the top of a conductor pipe & has been hard at it all day. the cats wont get at it but the painters may its too bad. she has found a sheltered place no rain can reach her babies. she was posessed [[possessed]] to build on the house somewhere. well this will do for today & make up for yesterday Ma