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Stoughton May 8th 1933

Dear Doris, 

Cool but sunny. no sign of rain. I went down after my books as I had nothing to read & the day was long every body was riding & having a pleasant time. so after supper Pa was up stairs where he had been all day. I slipped down after the books & Pa was raging. he had missed me. I was not gone more than an hour well it is horrid to be so tied down but if I cant leave the house a minute without he is mad he will have to get used to it thats all I dont go unless I have to. We are having the cold NW wind but not the rain so far, it may turn into rain shortly. Louie said he would take off the windows he said I need not go to that expense. so after the house is painted I will have only the screen doors to put on so Mr. Colcord can do that. I have just got home from down town where I went to the cobblers to have my shoes [[tapt?]] on my way home I stopped to speak to Mrs. Sims & told her about Lena she said she would like to have a talk with her she said being a teacher sounded interesting. as though she might be company, but she does not stay there winters. Lena spoke of the place as being one that she thought might interest her. as it looked pleasant & it being near ours. well theres no harm in seeing each