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Stoughton May 5th 1933

Dear Doris, 

Its a cool wind but sunny. I have been out of doors most of the day. Harris came early & shaved Pa. this fore noon I went down to Louie Dykemans [[Dykeman's]] he happened to be about starting for work. he is this week painting Fred Clapps [[Clapp's]] house he said he could begin on ours next week & would take off the outside window himself & would take the blinds over to the barn & paint them there. he picked out a color that would correspond with the house & would need but one coat & he said the color would wear like iron. Pa missed me & wanted to know as soon as I got into the house where I'd been so then he was mad when I told him & raised rucktions & got keyed up to the highest notch. but I told him the house was going to be painted & he had got to make up his mind to it & calm down. the putty was all coming off the windows & the house needed paint & it was going to have it. he cant [[can't]] any more than rave & if he gets to raising hell I can go out side. he wont dare make himself heard by any one but me. he knows better. if he has another brain storm it will be for a good cause. I guess the plasterings will have to go this hitch. perhaps some one working inside would be too much. his mother always got just at the same pitch if she had any one