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the leaves are pretty but the blossoms dont ammount to much. if you want Dorisid to sleep better, dont let her have so much sleep in the daytime. she has never been one to let you sleep good & hope when she gets bigger & has a room by herself, you will enjoy life once more. she has been twice the care of an ordinary child, indulgence & having both of you nervous is partly the reason I am sure. you never will want another I am also sure. but I am glad you had some, through eternity you will enjoy them. & what is life without them? it gives us a chance to help form ourselves for a better life to come. we would be too selfish if we had just our selves to think of. old maids. too many bosses spoil children. I think under Mrs Frosts selfish disposition they might have come up in better shape, she was'nt so much of a talker either. but its better to bring up ones own far better. I had brother & sister. but you & Hazel came up alone. you were both governed through your sensetiveness. but yours has not that trait in her make up. but plenty of obstinacy. although kind hearted. well this will do for to day. Ma