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Stoughton May 2nd 1933

Dear Doris

To day is another nice day but less sunny. the trees are leaving out under so much warmth & sunshine. our two little homeless robins are hunting around after new quarters to locate their dwelling. I hope they have better luck then but it is risky. Everybody these times seem to be cleaning house. it makes Pa crazy to see me put things out on the line to air. I dont know how painting will affect him. time will tell. he gets worked up over little things. it seems foolish. thats the reason I try to keep them from him & that does not suit. so its hard to know how to manage. he knows its better to be up stairs by himself as nothing thats going on seems right as he has lost all reason. Cornie Sullivan was here yesterday & he was asking all about him. he seems to take an interest in Pa. but Pa has lost all interest in any one he ever knew. even his oldest friends. when Mame comes he displays no interest father [[farther]] than to inquire who they were. He was not interested in Lola's letter about Helen Gage. If I dont tell him your letter came then he wants to see it I recon [[reckon]] its because he thinks it tells about something I dont want him to know about. he will read it & say it is a crazy letter. I