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Stoughton December 18th 1933

Dear Doris. 

A pleasant but cool day. I was down to the hospital this forenoon. I have been to dinner & then being down for a while Pa is down now going through his afternoon tirade. he gets 
on ones nerve when he begins his everlasting catecism [[catechism]]. Lena has sent the bundle it makes me feel more sorry than pleased to receive when I cannot return them. Bruce is not showing up his rent money this month yet & his telephone is taken out I have not been able to see them since they came to pay me in November. I have to pay my bills why should not others do likewise. you have not received the check I take it. seems as if everything is going upside down all the time. hope luck will change sometime. Pa is bemoaning his luck to us all the time & if we live through it we will live forever. he is cold up stairs so I have been dow [[down]] cellar to turn on the heat. it has not been on since morning & now its half past three & we have had our afternoon tea and an apple. Pa has gone up stairs at last. the Dr. says his short breath is caused by his nerves. no exercise of the muscles they go back on one in that way. then the nurse said are