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I am sleepy now its 8 o'clock Pa has read some in his paper + gone to bed. an hour ago, he bid us good night. he keeps track of my going to the hospital chem when I get home he comes down to see & I am here. so he realizes what is going on around him still + seems the same as ever. he found [[Liggce?]] [[foneses?]] death in his paper + pointed out to me
Thank Jonses wife

Stoughton Dec 5th 1933

Dear Doris
The snow came + covered the ground [[mo?]] seem to speak of + a chilly feeling atmosphere. Alice just called up to tell us there were plenty of discarded books she had if we cared for more reading. they are a god send to Mrs osbourn she reads a lot afternoons + evenings. I can read a little while at a time. she + I have been washing the china closet + the dishes I wiped the dishes after she brushed + cleaned them. she uses lots of soap + wonderes[[wonders]] what makes her hands so ruff but she is English + you cant tell her any thing for she knows it all. she is a little worker. Pa was mad to have her tackle the china closet. but she told him it was only cleaning it she was after. but he said the things in it were his + we could let them alone. I had the same trouble with him when I tried to clean it. but he finally subsided + went off up stairs. he dont want us to do any cleaning up stairs. she takes advantage when Harris is here shaving him to clean his room + I make up his bed + mine while