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a nervous trouble. Miss O'Brine was on deck this morning she said they told her she was not missed. I said guess they were enjoying not being bossed all right. Little Miss Ray was taking comfort &+ guess the doctor felt like a cat in a strange garret, with no one to depend on he said the little girl was used up for the day. I said too bad & he said she was his most difficult patient to me he seemed worried. but James & I did up the errands of the hospital down to the BPM & then I got my envelopes & stamps & we both felt relieved to get out side in the fresh air, after roasting in the hot place we were in, it was warm & muggy all day. I cant [[can't]] eat those malaga [[Malaga]] grapes they make me full of gas. you might have had a cold that worked through you, or the seeds ripped a course through the intestines. I will have to ask the superintendent or doctor what it would cause such trouble. well I am here with my own self once more & the sun gone in for the day. Ma Louis is going to fix my window up stairs so I can shut it & lock it. then it cant rattle when the wind blows. the paint has stuck it so it does not move, but the lower sash opens all right. the babies goat was colored so it looked nice she will be proficient in her writing before winter is through. he says twenty five dollars will do the kitchen & vanish the wood work. Pa is keyed up & is flemming still in his throat but aside from that he seems all right only worried about everything he did not sleep well last night Ma.