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Stoughton Nov 18th 1933

Dear Doris

The day is cold with lots of wind & sunshiny. James took me into the square to pay my electice [[electric]] light & telephone bills & then went to the BP Market to get things for them so killed two birds with one stone. then he asked me if he was to go over to the Dr's mothers on Park Street & I told him no. This fore noon while I was gone, Bruces [[Bruce's]] mother came with the rent but is now coming this afternoon again. I hope she has got some money to pay up on the old account as well. if he is at work he may give us a little from time to time its to be hoped. 

I was sorry to hear such sad news about Pops [[Pop's]] family. his wife & children are to be pitied & are deserving of help from the government. a pension if nothing more. I am sure there are many in such straits. we are lucky to get our clothes dry & she has ironed them & gone up to change her clothes for her afternoon tea. I feel hungry for my meals & am growing stronger in my leg but my nerves are easily made tired & I dont [[don't]] feel like having any unusual company such as Lena out for the thanksgiving dinner. we are better off here alone both of us.