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Stoughton Nov 12th 1933

Dear Doris

The cloud in the west brought us another snow storm.  I should think it snowed the great part of the night, there was snow over everything, about two inches fell, so it looked pretty winterish this morning when we arose which made me feel well satisfied to have had my outside windows on.  Gregory having called up in the afternoon to say he could put them on if it was agreeable to me, so they are on & the house seems more comfortable than it did.  I asked him about his father, he has high blood pressure & has had his teeth taken out, & his doctor says he must not eat so much meat, but Gregory says its going to mean a great deal to give it up, as he has always been so fond of it.  The little girl is very well & he has his job in Bandolph which is nearer than in Boston where he worked last winter.  Gregory is a quick one to do a job & pleasant & kind hearted, he said that instead o having a shock my paralyzed muscle 

PS.  I have read more in my book but can only read a little while at a time & then have to drop it as it tires me its interesting I do our mending & sewing a little seems good.  Pa is asleep his naps rest him, he eats & seems to take comfort in coming & finding his plate always filled up & cup of warm drink.  She does not get up so early mornings, its better so, as theres nothing she should get up so early for.  Ma.