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she always inquires after you she says get little Doris ahead on her writing as that was the most essential for entering her into the second grade. Its so dark with snow clouds I can hardly see to write much more read my book. There is a sale on every thing this week at the BPM so Miss OBrine informs me her sister keeps her posted. the doctor says if Doris could see me walk now she would see a great improvement he says the muscle in the leg has improved a great deal lately. & the leg is not near as achey at night, my nerves are stronger my cane I never carry only on uneven ground its coming you must know the muscle lay flat & my leg was flabby. now its filled out like the other one. so its coming. I suppose this was much better than having a shock Kate Flemming is coming there every little while to be treated she had a shock & could not pick up a pencil or get her hand to her mouth now she uses it & the Dr get her to show me how she raised her hand way above her head, arms length, & reached her ear on the opposite side of her head. she wants to go back into the shop stitching in a few months. but he says he dont want to tell her it would be bad for her to go as she might bring on another one by so doing. she worships him. I like her she is very pleasant Ma