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Stoughton Nov 3rd 1933

Dear Doris
The letter has not come yet but I will write mine trusting to time to get yours later on. I rode downtown with James & he took me on to Park Street he had an errand to do so I rode down to the Dr's mothers she came out to the car to see me, an old woman about my age. he resembles her very much. then they told him to go into the square & stop to the BPM. when we come home & take me for a ride also but I think he forgot to do so. I carried them down some of those persimmons you sent & told Jim that he was to have a taste they were all fond of them & they never had any before. except the Dr. I ate five before going to bed & they made me full of gas but he said they would not do me any harm if they did physic me. but it kept me awake so I have gone slow on them to day James liked them. he did not mind the puckery ones. he chose the sound kind not so ripe but did not find them bad. they get clams fresh from the store once a week & are going to let me help eat them so Dr Bride says. I payed the milk bill to day. & Mrs Osborn yesterday. she is going home now her son is here after her. her soninlaw brought his family over yesterday afternoon.