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Stoughton Oct 31st 1933

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PS it is Hallow eve & the children are noisy Pa does not wake up to it, they are fireing off their fire crackers I am sitting up for her sake she goes to bed around 9 o'clock. Ma
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Dear Doris

This is a nice warm day I have been out walking around the yard gathering cosmos seeds & sitting on the porch Mrs O came out & stayed there with me a good while. she has been cleaning windows out side with the window brush & the top shelf in the pantry no dirt escapes her eyes. yesterday she washed the two table runners they were terrible dirty she said. I can see a great improvement since she washed them. I guess she will get me cleaned up at last. My family were not noted for their cleanliness they took in work to support their families so had to let their work go they were not painfully neat but she is always digging. the house will bear neatness I guess. she is very neat about her dress & person also. I slept well last night a very natural sleep & felt very much better in the morning. James came after me in the morning early. the Dr told him to stop for gas he forgot it untill he reached grove street then I told him & he went down