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I slept good last night & felt well in the morning after it. so my leg felt more natural from sleeping so well it was not so clumsy it certainly feels very natural at times & they say they think its encouraging & I walk much better he says its coming but slow. I am thinking of having Colcord put on the outside windows soon. I met her the day after you went but we were in the market & she was chasing after me to speak. but as James was waiting out in the car, I was hurrying & could not stop to say much to her. Louie has not been here to put on the second coat he said he would put on the glass door. your little fruit trees are all budded for the coming year the baldwin looks the most healthy the soil there is softer & will absorb moisture the most its too near other trees. I am going to pay the house keeper when the Drakes pay their rent tomorrow or next day & I will ask Bruce to pay some on his old score if I dont I am afraid we may never get it. Ma.