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PS some times my leg feels natural & I lie down & sleep & get up and walk as well as I ever could but it gets tired quickly. so I feel it's coming some time he says its sure to with all the treatment its getting & I am walking off stronger he watches me as a cat does a mouse when I go out onto the piazza Miss OBrine says.  Ma

Stoughton Oct 29th 1933

Dear Doris

Cold & very clear it seems good to see the sun. I have just come in from being out in the back yard for a little acring but the cold air made my leg ache so I was glad to come inside.  Alice called this forenoon, but I was down to the hospital the Servalls car brought her over, she is getting through & I suppose is going to get married.  she said she would write as she could not wait for me to get home. James took Miss O'brine to church & me home at the same time, she wanted me to see the people who went to church & I told the Dr. I was afraid she would make me go in & I wouldn't know when to kneel down with the rest. he said he was going to the foot ball game & that priests were no better than he was & ministers the same. he said they tried to save souls & he bodies. so I guess he does not bother himself much over them he said the present man there was not liked by them much he was a stricked [[strict]] one & no christianity. they were very different some were liked & others were not he spoke of Stanton & I of Kiley so different I say anything to him & he always takes it in good part.  I told him that I never was bothered with my tonsils & he said