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he made me think of Pa when he had his carbuncles with his neck all done up as he was & he said that was what ailed him I told him that he found a remedy & it healed from the bottom up & was very effectual but I could not remember the name of it so he said if you think what the name is let me know since I got home. I have asked Pa & he remembered, it was Browns Herbal ointment & if Ralph had used it as Pa told him to, he need not have lost his fore finger down the joint, but he used Dr Irvans remedy instead. I doubt if you can get it though now so long ago.

We have had two messes of meat since she came I long for my fish or clam chowder, but she dont like fish, but she says corn chowder she is very fond of. she never was used to clams as she is English. I  have put on my woolen stockins to day & they seem warm & good as the old leg is cold. I am sleeping much better at night & there is not so much pain during the day only when I lie down the circulation then stops there but the pad is the remedy at night. I still have my apple sauce it tastes so good but she wants it sifted I dont. she is a good cook on most of things. we are lucky to have her she is very sympathetic & unselfish. I am glad the little one is learning so readily she will soon be able to read her books & so entertain herself more & then it wont be so hard for you folks. hope her kitten dont become a flea subject keep her in away from Laddy. Ma