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Stoughton Oct 15th 1933

Dear Doris 
We are getting along well everything is moving smoothly along. Pa is very quiet but eats everything that comes his way. I think he is satisfied with the new woman she tries to do everything to please us & seems very kind hearted. her children came to see her yesterday after I went up to bed. I took my bath in the warm kitchen & went up to bed early. after I got to sleep I slept pretty well, but, I put on the night lock as she was not used to it so when she went through the door to greet her folks she shut it & locked her self out & we were both a bed & her son in law climbed up the side of the house & so got into her window which luckily was open & let her in mean while she rung the door bell & Pa came into my room  & heard some one in her room just as the boy had climbed into her room to let her into the front door. Pa was not crazy a mite, but she was terribly cut up over it & was all of a tremble as she came to tell me about it. but I told her it was