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Stoughton Oct 5th 1933

Dear Doris

I have just been to dinner we had tomato soup but tomorrow I have ordered a roast of fresh pork. The first I have dared to order since Pa was used up. Dr Bride said if well cooked it was no more harmful than chicken for him to eat and as Mrs Osborn is very fond of it. I am going to try it for dinner tomorrow. we have been eating clam chowder two days. so pork will be a change. Miss O Brine is getting sick of so much responsibility on her shoulders. She says they are all expecting too much of her & she is getting worn out from the strain. The Dr consults her for everything. Miss Ray is not a graduate nurse & she has to watch her every movement she makes. I told her I was scart [[scared]] of her when she used that glass with a violet chemical run by electricity, if it isnt used right its liable to burn me. she is most always there to tell her how. A graduate nurse in her place would be less responsible for Miss O'Brine she said sometimes she thinks to get out would be better but her folks live in town in Joe Curtis house. she saves the doctor by keeping on with him but it takes it out of her.