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The Dr says the muscles of my leg are coming up & are most as large as in the good leg. he did all the nurses work to day they have a new nurse there that they are coaching. but he looked after all the principal details & seemed to be showing her the details he told me he went into this business in 1910 so you can see he is had 23 years of good practice. he does night work. he told the young nurse who was bringing me home to day to let me go alone so to rely on my muscles. I usually lean on his hand clasp for fear of falling so he only helped me down the stone steps & into the car. I told the Dr. I had  considerable pain lower down in the calf of my leg so possibly it may be working off that way he did the lower part a great deal of attention & it ought to respond to the treatment I should think. there is considerable soreness in the lower part yet. I am sleeping better nights. well it is time for supper. Ma