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was easy he had a good disposition & was just melencholy [[melancholy]] & Mary had her health & could do her house work. where in I have a double dose but it cant go on forever, there must be an end sometime. & then we will be past history.

I have just been out on the front step taking a sun bath. it is cold here in the house no fire. your letter has just come its most time for the fish & then I will get some dinner. I dont feel hungry these times. I should think Ethel Wales was having a siege I pity the little girl. what does Walter Edwards do I guess Ethel is the mainstay no doubt. his mother has built a fence around her front yard so she is more off the middle of the street she likes living alone she says. I guess no one could live comfortably with her. a hard ticket & so they all are Mame says. I did not know Mame was most blind she is mighty good company & dont take it from the Capens. Helen looks old her mother may out live her she has a weak heart. well I did not have to go down to the hospital the Dr is resting & he wants to give me a special treatment tomorrow. I have taken two sun baths instead & got in my clothes off the line & mended most of them so now they are all ready for wear Pa is very fussy about his buttons being sewed on. the stockins [[stockings]] will go for another days mending. Ma