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Stoughton Aug 14th 1933

Dear Doris

This is a cloudy day & it is storming a very little. I have been snoozing since dinner I go off to sleep very early. they send for me afternoons lately that gives me time to get through our lunch. Pa bothers me a lot in saying he does not care for any dinner he fills up after breakfast on cookies & drinks milk & so does not care for dinner. then I have all the bother of it for nothing. I cooked me a potato & an egg but was not feeling any to [[too]] hungry but had to eat something Mrs Gilzer brought in some tomatoes from the garden last night so I can have them for supper. they are bearing now but are small they taste as good as anything. I am not very hungry nothing seems to relish as I am not exercising just laying around sleepy most of the time. I got a card from Gertrude to day they are having good times at the shore it must be cold. Mrs Gilzer is going to have new floors laid & a sun parlor she wishes she had some money to lay out on the old house but I guess it will cost her more than she thinks. its [[it's]] too far for the boy to walk to school they think he may have to be carried