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PS since supper it has settled down into a gentle rain I hope it keeps up through the night, we are in need of the moisture. I miss my neighbors the house is closed.

Stoughton Aug 8th 1933

Dear Doris 

This has been a cloudy afternoon I guess it is fixing for a rain. we need it for the hot sun dries up every thing. it has been good weather for the beeches [[beaches]] Sunday was so crowded down there to Nantasket, there was no parking spaces, Mrs Gilzer was there a few hours. they go down but for a few hours. & then some where else on the go all the time he is home, Edward came over with the butter his mother got for me & I have been lending him the Elm Island series to read poor boy he is unable to play like other boys his age, but is very fond of reading books & getting out puzzles - so as I got up to get the book in the book case I staggered & he said "here lean on me" it seemed so funny I had to laugh poor little fellow he wanted to be of assistance if he was was small. he is a patient little sufferer & they worship him, he was never well like other boys, but he may pick up now he is laboring under the worst planets. so the woman who is watching his horiscope [[horoscope]] says & if he gets safely through this period, he will begin to pick up. I hope it will prove to be so. you know how George Smith Websters [[Smith-Websters?]] brothers read Hazels & sent Arthur home to stay through 

Transcription Notes:
*Nantasket Beach - Hull, Massachusetts There is a hyphen between Smith and Webster. Webster is also divided at the end of the line, so put it together. Smith-Websters