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PS Mrs Gilzer has just been over. she is all interested in telling me about her house they are going to put on a sun parlor & lay all new floors down in their living rooms. she wants me to come down after you come home to see it. I spoke of tomatoes in the garden & she ran out there & brought me in three ripe ones & said in a day or two there would be more ripe so now they are coming right along fast. Tomorrow she makes ice cream & is going to bring me over some for our supper. she is a saint if there ever was one on earth. it will be some time before she will be able to get into her house Edwin is better he has asthma & hay fever summers.

Stoughton Aug 4th 1933

Dear Doris

A shower about two in the night it poured & wet down in great shape. no sun to day the thermometer fell 20° so to day its cold one needs a sweater to feel comfortable. I went down for a treatment & when they turned on the electric light as I lay stripped on the table it felt comfortable. he says the muscles are growing stronger but it takes time to get the nerve in shape & not get discouraged. if it ever gets well I will be a happy mortal you better believe. Harris came to day & shaved Pa he said Fred Harris died funeral yesterday. he lived on the corner of May & Grove streets he used to fix screens he lost his leg after Anna his wife died & they sent him to Taunton where he died. I am cold as I sit here writing so I have put on a blanket over my sweater it is too much of a change my supper I will get in half an hour & the tea will warm me up I got some berries from down on the cape Pa says you are bying [[buying]] things. I have no patience with you, but I dont [[don't]] get meat or vegetables & berries are nourishing & harmless. he finds fault with everything I do, nothing suits him. he is an old grumbler nothing right. no cheerfulness from that quarter nothing but gloom, a horid [[horrid]] atmosphere. The sun is just