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Anna Lamb is coming up after supper some night to see me. she is anxious to talk about selling the picture she says Mort said I gave them a good talk as to its merits while they were viewing it that Sunday & asked if Mort did his part likewise I said he certainly did if I were any judge. she says she hopes they come again. & so do I. time will tell they wrote me the second letter & got Celias [[Celia's]] death. I sent them Charles [[Charles']] after seeing Alice. I hope she will come again she had a terrible hard bed to sleep on & I wish I had let her take my feather bed up in the attic, but never thought of it till it was too late poor mortal. I pity her. my other leg is sore where I had cramps the other night. my pad is out of gear it was always too loose for the socket & never fitted falling out on to the floor I guess broke some little wire connection. there is always some thing going wrong. its three & I am going to quit I am feeling weak. Lottie Crane called up on the wire to ask how I was faring. her mother is suffering torments with her back, sick in bed poor old woman crazy with the darn thing. Pa has been down & I have made him wait on me he is able but unwilling to do so balky, but I kept after him & made him go & get me things out of the refridgerator [[refrigerator]] & dishes, so I could eat my supper & then wash up the dishes it does him no harm his legs are nimble. but his tongue is gloomy enough to make one sick of living. How much longer will it continue. God knows. a cheerful atmosphere would be a blessing  Ma

Transcription Notes:
She must be talking about a heating pad that broke, used to help with painful muscles.