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down with a very powerful liquid remedy & after that they give a shock with something cold while my leg is hot & then put me into a chair & buckle me in & send an electric current through my whole system after that he gives me a terrible hard masage [[massage]] cleard [[clear]] down the whole leg my ankle and all to bring it to its natural feeling & strengthen the muscles & nerves. I go through enough if thats [[that's]] any cure but I dont [[don't]] know what the out come will be. Jack says he is much relieved & feels that I will be. they strip me naked & lay me on the narrow bed covered with rubber. I have just been to supper. Pa had his junket he would eat nothing else if I did not hide it till last. this noon I had chicken broth Mrs Gilzer got me at Kennedys. it was very good. my appetite is much improved of late I am in hopes to find a tomato tomorrow on the vines. why do you do so much washing this terrible hot weather you must be careful it is too hot to do extra work for pity sake lay low such days if I ever get my health you may believe I will know how to take care of my self. now you profit by the same example. I know you have that same [[strikethrough]] example [[/strikethrough]] ambition remember Grandma & Pa & me all suffered by that same cause & take warning. its a very easy matter to get there but be ware before its too late. "you never miss the water till the well runs dry" my milk shake & then good night Pa has some too. 

Transcription Notes:
Changed Silzer to Gilzer, per previous letters