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Office Asst. Comr Bureau Refugees Freedman and 
Abandoned Lands, For State of Mississippi
Vicksburg Miss June 20th 1865.

[[Left Margin]] Printed. [[/Left margin]]

General Orders }
No. 1 }

A Bureau of Refugees Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, having been created by Act of Congress, in the War Department.

In compliance with the order of the Secretary of that, dated May 31st 1865, I hereby assume the duties of Assistant Commissioner, Bureau of Refugees Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, for State of Mississippi.
Saml Thomas
Col. 64th USCI.

[[Left Margin]] Asst Commissioner State of Mississippi  [[/Left Margin]]

Office Asst Com'r, Bureau of Refugees Freedmen and 
Abandoned Lands, for State of Mississippi.
Vicksburg Miss July 10th 1865.

General Orders }
No. 2. }

The following letter of advise to Asst. Commissioner, being in many points of general interest, is hereby republished for the information of all concerned that Department, Bureau of Refugees Freedmen &c

Washington D.C. June 14th 1865.  In receiving, as transmitted, the orders of the President, the Secretary of War, and of this Bureau and other laws and books for your information and guidance, the authority and duties committed to you as its offices for the specified territory. You will not fail to see how exactly their spirit comports with the genius of our free institutions. As a government of the people, from the people, and for the people, and the whole people, it relieves the desolations that have raged, by making a special provision for the two great classes of the people, the Refugees and those so lately slaves.

A great rebellion crushed, an unparalleled war closed, every citizen and officer has his special duties in establishing peace and securing prosperity.

The General Government, under the direction of its wise head and his able advisers will indicate from time to time, as events advance, the duties of its

[[Left Margin]] Letter of Advice [[/Left Margin]]

Transcription Notes:
USCI = United States Colored Infantry