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Appointment of Staff

Office Ass't Com'r Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands for Miss.
Vicksburg Miss July 24th 1865.
General Orders }
No. 4          }
I The following named officers are announced as on duty at this office.
Lieut Stuart Eldridge Sixth USCI. Acting Assistant Adjutant General.
Major T.S. Free. 49th USCI. Assistant Inspector General.
Major D.O. McCord. Surgeon, 63d USCI. Surgeon-in-Chief.
Chaplain Joseph Warren. 64th USCT. Superintendant of Education.
II The following officers are announced as Act Asst Commissioners. Bureau Refugees Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, State of Mississippi.
Lieut. Col. R.S. Donaldson. 64th USCI, for Northern District of Mississippi.
Major G.D. Reynolds, 6th USC Artillery (Hy) for Southern District of Miss.
Capt. J.H. Weber. 64th USCI. for Western District of Miss.
Saml Thomas
Sub Asst Commissioner
Bureau RF and AL. Miss.

Office Ass't Com'r Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands for State of Miss.
Vicksburg Miss July 29th 1865.
General Orders. }
No. 5.          }
Information has reached this office of combinations among citizens of the State, for the purpose of oppressing the Freedmen, and opposing the work of organizing the labor of the State on a free-labor basis.
In some localities, there is a disposition on the part of the planters to control over their former slaves, with the hope that some change will be made,


by which they will be allowed the work of these people free of charge, or that some new form of slavery will be substituted for the old, in the reorganization of the State.
Great complaints reach this office of the abuse of Freedmen throughout those districts where Miltary control does not extend. The planter, no longer having any interest in the welfare of the negroes, and no fear of civil law for any crime he may commit, punishes, abuses, and kills the negro upon the slightest provocation.
Every effort must be made to secure the Freedmen the protection guaranteed by the orders and circulars of the Freedmen's Bureau.
It is therefore, ordered.
I That all officers, connected with the Bureau, will take immediate steps for the arrest, and trial by Military Commission, of all parties who are accused of committing these abuses.
When a complaint is made to an officer, of a crime committed beyond his immediate control, he will make application to the nearest District Commander for the necessary cavalry-force to make the arrest of the parties.
II No passes or permits will be required of the Freedmen that are not demanded from white persons, under similar circumstances.
III That officers use greater exertions to place in the hands of every citizen of this State, copies of orders and circulars forwarded by this office in relation to Freedmen affairs.
The Emancipation Proclamation of the President will be republished and circulated throughout the State.
IV. That all persons employing Freedmen be required to contract with them in writing immediately filing one copy in the office of the Sub-Commissioner of the District, after it has been approved by him.
No contract will be approved by the Sub-Com'r that in any way reorganizes slavery, or fails to secure to the laborer wages that will provide food, shelter, clothing, and medical attention. NO contract will be made for a longer time than one year, or that will give the employer control over the actions or labor of the employee after the expiration of the year.
Sub-Commissioners must inform themselves upon